Peace That surpasses all Understanding
Peace that surpasses all Understanding
I cannot begin to tell you how awkward all this is, how
ummmm happy I am, I feel good and this time it’s not because my friends like me
or think I am cool, it’s not because some guy is giving me some sort of attention,
it’s not because I got a A-plus in some test, or because I may have just made my
family proud by doing what they want.. No.. its because I just feel good. It’s
the weirdest feeling. I worked so hard to get to a point of not only knowing
and understanding myself, but accepting myself. And now that I am here, I just
don’t know how to feel. It’s like I am constantly giggling from inside, I don’t
need anybody to like what I do or wear, my ambitions are not coming from what I
will get a gold medal for, my ambitions are now totally mine and mine alone. Is
it scary HELL YES it is. In fact it’s too scary because it is unfamiliar not to
need some1. Its unfamiliar to not NEED someone know me or like me
I would walk into my house knowing how much and badly I want
a good life but feel bad for wanting it. How I wanted to soar and I MEAN soar
in my career, be the best of the best of the best but would feel bad for
wanting it. I would want to date a good man, tall good looking and of course
rich man but think he’s a bad thing to want. That I couldn’t have it all. What
did I learn in my childhood that simply made me see things and life this way, feel
this way? What could any of those close to me in their protecting me, shield me
Do I still go back to those familiar unhealthy thoughts? Get
the nudge to go back to those ways of thinking and seeing life. Indeed I do,
but do I let myself go back? I try not to. Because I simple just simply cannot
afford to go back to thinking and being who I was when I was 21 years old.
Young, unshaven, and untaken care off. I cant. I wont.
Is that little girl in me, broken, vulnerable and enduring waiting
on the side lines to come out and think the entire world is still against her
still there? Shame poor thing, she still is there, but the woman in me is now loving
enough to nurture her to understand that her days in my life are over.
Until you have been unloved by a man you loved totally with
every single thread in you, you haven’t lived baby. Go ahead and wait for your transformation
Had it not been for the will of the lord, where would I be?
This truly is what they mean when they say being in God brings you the peace
that surpasses all understanding. You don’t have to worry about anything any
more. You concentrate on what the lord offers you. On what the bible
teaches, the rest is just junk in the
I am not saying that I am perfect and I am totally healed Ms
goody two shoes, but I am just saying I sure as hell am better then I was in
the past and I am very grateful to God for that. Amen.
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